25 October 2019
SWIFT Business Forum Romania 2019
The high-level theme of the event was “Looking to the future of ...
22 October 2019
Allevo at the Annual Payments Forum
Allevo was invited by the National Bank of Romania to moderate the "Ne...
13 October 2019
In conversation with Fintech Finance at Sibos
At Sibos this year we announced: our selection in BCR-InnovX accelerat...
29 August 2019
6 months extension for the TOSS (Treasure Open Source Software) projec...
The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by...
20 August 2019
About Allevo
A sneak peek about Allevo, a brief history and who we are today. ...
30 July 2019
In conversation with Fintech Finance about Erste Bank’s George
Ioana Guiman, on Erste Bank’s George...
29 July 2019
In conversation with Fintech Finance about the fintech ecosystem in Bu...
25 July 2019
In conversation with Fintech Finance about Open Banking
24 July 2019
In conversation with Fintech Finance about collaboration
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