
25 June 2014
Allevo, FinTP and the Innotribe Startup Challenge
Most of the Allevo stories these days go around FinTP. In short, this ...
27 September 2013
Sibos Dubai 2013: Food for Thought in 2014?
Friday, September 27, 2013   Last week at the same time we were s...
17 September 2013
Allevo at Sibos Dubai 2013 – Day Three
Tuesday, September 17, 2013   And there goes the third day of Sib...
16 September 2013
3,2,1…It’s a Go for Sibos Dubai 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013 Followed the news lately? Worried about all...
08 November 2012
Missing Sibos already?
A long way to the Land of the Rising Sun, and an even longer way back ...
01 November 2012
The future of doing good
I felt the need to include in my Sibos journal a separate post about I...
30 October 2012
Allevo rocking sessions at Sibos
There goes Day 2 of Sibos already. This was the busiest day for Allevo...
18 June 2012
Innotribed for Good
Monday, June 18, 2012   I took the liberty to write this post on ...
02 June 2011
What’s the next step for financial inclusion?
Or… what has been brought into the light as a result of the 2 days o...