Mobile payments

29 May 2014
A Quick Look into Mobile Payments
Thursday, May 29, 2014   by Andrei Dutescu   As probably mos...
08 October 2013
Gen Z Banking for People on Stage at Internet & Mobile World 2013
Tuesday, October 08, 2013   If the Internet & Mobile World 20...
27 September 2013
Sibos Dubai 2013: Food for Thought in 2014?
Friday, September 27, 2013   Last week at the same time we were s...
02 June 2011
What’s the next step for financial inclusion?
Or… what has been brought into the light as a result of the 2 days o...
05 May 2011
EPC sets out Sepa mobile payments guidelines
Following our posts about SEPA (most recent in April 2011 ECB calls fo...