04 April 2017
Allevo’s Got Talent! Do You?
If you don’t already know us, let’s start by saying that w...
27 March 2017
Allevo at Digital Banking Conference – 23 March 2017
Last week, together with Raiffeisen Bank Romania, Allevo contributed w...
20 March 2017
Allevo’s Tech Helps You Achieve Regulatory Compliance. PSD2 R...
Regulatory technology, in short RegTech, emerged from the increasing l...
13 March 2017
Instant Payments – between Trend and Necessity
According to the European Payments Council, instant payments are the n...
06 March 2017
SEPA compliance for corporates
Allevo created an open source application that processes transactions ...
28 February 2017
Raiffeisen Bank Romania has successfully implemented Allevo’s open s...
  EU 260/2012 Regulation affects not only banks, but corporates a...
11 October 2016
Fintech Finance interviews Allevo at Sibos
Fintech Finance interviews Allevo Business Development Manager and Par...
29 September 2016
Sibos Day Three: The Trendsetter Bank
Allevo went on stage in an Open Theatre session called “The Trendset...
26 September 2016
Sibos Day One: Find what we have in mind for this Sibos
The most important people in the financial world gathered this days in...
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