Update on the progress of FinOps Suite (the TOSS project)


Here’s a short update on the progress of the TOSS project, and of the FinOps Suite solution for SMEs and corporate treasuries.

The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”.

FinOps Suite is the commercial name of the application developed as part of the TOSS project.



The main objective of the project is the growth of competitiveness of Allevo as a company by developing an innovative open source application. This application processes financial transactions for SMEs and corporate treasuries and is distributed under the GPLv3 open source license via the portal.

More specific objectives are:

  1. the development of the FinTPc application for processing financial transactions, aimed for SMEs and corporate treasuries
  2. annual turnover growth by EUR 200,000 in the first 3 years after finalizing the project
  3. gaining up to 23 new internal and external users of the application, over the first 3 years since the implementation of the project.

Although it does not sound too complicated, a lot of effort has been placed in developing this application and delivering the other components of the project.

Two such components are the website and the website. These have been completely redesigned, not only from a look and feel perspective, but also in terms of content, logic, navigation and features for users.

Thus, these websites allow users to:

  • ask for personalized commercial proposals and receive them in their accounts (check out the Products section and simply click Ask for details)
  • view static or dynamic information on each of the products and solutions, presented in architectures fit for each individual business use case
  • browse the e-learning section to find webinars showing product demos, a list of frequently asked questions, e-books or documentation published by Allevo, to the benefit of the financial services community
  • a blog and a forum, allowing us to post information and updates to our followers, but also encouraging conversation among the members of the open source community
  • have access to the News section, finding relevant industry events, customer success stories, publications, press releases
  • control their privacy settings via the cookie feature that allows them to accept, reject or remove cookies in use.

We are still tweaking the content, but are quite pleased with where we are right now in terms of timeline.

Any recommendations are welcome and we are looking forward to making these websites more relevant to our audience!

In Romanian:

Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati Continutul acestui material nu reprezinta in mod obligatoriu pozitia oficiala a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romaniei. Proiect finantat in cadrul POC, Axa prioritara 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investitii 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finantare: 101/16.08.2017.

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