TOSS project update: FinTPc e-book now out!

As part of the TOSS project, Allevo prepared an e-book documenting the reason for creating the FinTPc software application and for embracing the open source business model.

This ebook explains Allevo’s approach in the open source space. It starts with why FinTPc was designed and published as an open source application. Then continues with explaining the choice of license (GPL v3), the structure and software development process, the supporting infrastructure (Allevo and FINkers United portals), and the development of the automated testing and the benchmarking tools. It also concentrates Allevo’s public articles on these topics.

e-book FinTPc.pdf


e-book FinTPc.epub

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The TOSS – Treasure Open Source Software project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 “Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for a competitive digital economy”. More about the TOSS project here.

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