08 November 2012
Missing Sibos already?
A long way to the Land of the Rising Sun, and an even longer way back ...
01 November 2012
Sibos grand finale
November starts, but Sibos ends. It’s a bit sad as even some of ...
10 October 2012
Finkers United in 5 minutes
Dear readers, remember the FINkers United unconferenced event we invit...
05 September 2012
Talking to my colleagues about FinTP
  I’ve been talking a lot with you about our project FinTP ...
17 August 2012
Allevo at Sibos Osaka 2012
Allevo’s presence at Sibos this year will be under the signs of:...
25 May 2012
FINkers United in a Word or Two
I would like to start this article with lyrics from the song we ended ...
22 May 2012
FinKers United, May 24, 2012 Giving New Meaning to the Word Togheter
  They say that user-centered design is a cutting-edge trend that...
17 May 2012
Book the Date FINkers United, Bucharest, May 24, 2012
  Told you I’ll be back with updates 🙂 On what? Well, on...
19 April 2012
FINkers United – the new team for financial transactions going open ...
Remember I told you a secret when I was talking about our last user gr...
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