Sibos Osaka, here we come!

Remember what I told you in my previous post about being present? Well, it was not just for the sake of writing something. Therefore, I am glad to let you know that our presence at Sibos this year in Osaka is now official 🙂

Not only that we have registered, but we already know where you can visit us: Hall 3, stand 3B11. Remember this, because from now until November, 3B11 is our code name. Now, about the stand, funny thing how numbers work in this life: we wanted the booth in Hall 2, but we got Hall 3 and we wanted 3 open sides, but got 2. It must be fate 🙂

Leaving small details aside, we are looking forward to greeting you at our stand at Sibos 2012, to catch up or to make new acquaintances, to enjoy a glass (or two) of good Romanian wine together, to try your luck with our raffles. Our team will make sure your time spent with us is most pleasant, each and every day. So, don’t be a stranger 🙂

There’s more info to come as time goes by, so please feel free to follow our site , blog, Facebook page (if you’re not our fan yet, you’re just a click away) and tweets.

Enough said for the moment, but be aware… I’m coming back on this… soon… very soon… 🙂


By: Ioana Moldovan


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