SEPA: Deadline for a deadline

Even if the summer is close to an end, we are still talking about vacations. Nevertheless, I would like to open a discussion here, about how each of us is seeing this end of the year and especially about what changes it might bring for the preparation of 2010, due to the exciting Fall waiting just right around the corner. I confess I didn’t manage to go to vacation myself, although I have plans on my desk for a visit to the Danube Delta. Until then, I would like to invite you to a first discussion about this newly-launched BIS blog, a project I am involved in myself starting with this very moment.

I am coming from a journalistic environment, of which I was part for over 11 years. I am used to the acronyms, and for a month now I am continuously reading about SWIFT, PSD, SEPA, SCT, SDD… I have discovered many articles, discussions, studies about the respective subjects, but the first one I would like to talk to you about is SEPA – deadline for a deadline.

This month there has been a public consultation launched by the European Commission regarding a possible final date for the SEPA migration.

Did you answer this inquiry? I sincerely hope so.

I want to take advantage of the fact that the results are not out yet and ask you myself: are you FOR or AGAINST a deadline for SEPA migration?

Waiting for your answers with a great deal of interest,

Cristian Lacraru, moderator

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