Rebranding crusade (I) - the pre-announcement

Enthusiastic and heroic, like the crusaders were, we started the campaign and pre-announced to our world changes in our visual identity. We’re about to become Allevo.

Rings a bell to you? It’s from Latin allevo, -are, -avi, -atum, improve, lighten, ease. Or, in English, alleviate, move forward our clients’ business as a result of our team’s values, innovative, efficient, adaptable, dedicated and trustworthy.

In this first stage, the campaign means a continuously updated 12-years-old database and a consistent message with reasons to rebrand.

You surely got our message, too. Do you like our new logo & mantra?

We’ve got tens of prompt answers, all positive.

No receiver of the message will probably know the pain we experienced when deciding to leave the old logo and mantra.

I said pain, because many of us were very attached to the old ones. That’s the heroic side of the action. Breaking-up is never easy!

However, the moment has come to refresh, rebrand, update, value and perfect the prestigious expertise our company and our team have. It’s for the best to part from the past and welcome the new, the modern, the evolution. That’s the enthusiastic side of the action.

A collateral good effect is that we’ll no more have to expand the acronym, BIS, in order that someone doesn’t think of us as the Bank of International Settlements.

So, we’re on! Welcome Allevo! Thinking evolution!

I’ll keep you informed with the next steps.

By: Corina Cornea


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