FinTP Hackathon

ETA: 7 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes and 29 seconds

As promised, I’m getting back to you with more details about the FinTP Hackathon. I hope I won’t sound too geeky, but if I do, I will just blame it on my techy colleagues 🙂

But first, the good news: we are almost in complete team for the Hackathon, so thanks to the ones that already joined us in this quest.

What is our goal? To get our future teammates involved in the evaluation of the source code quality and documentation, or the ease with which new functionalities can be developed. And for that, we have thought of two themes:

Use our servers: this is where we collaborate for developing the FinTP platform and offer the relevant resources for the community. Where any idea is a good idea: business, technical, fun… Participants (Web developers, C++ developers, other developers) will group in 2-4 teams and explore ideas to use the exposed APIs. The source code for two APIs will be made available under GPL v3: UDAL (universal database access library) (C++) and API FinTP REST (Java). The teams will be able to present their ideas and also what they could implement in the limited amount of time at the end of the event, when there will be a time for sharing 🙂 Cause this is what open source is all about: sharing to get better. And we want to share the FinTP code, but we need your help to make it better.

Hack our servers: this is where our hackathon mates get to be a hacker, but an authorized one 🙂 Even if it’s just for this codefest. We want to create a really secure application for its users and protect the data it holds, so they can bring on the heavy artillery, as anything is allowed: SQL injection, use platform vulnerabilities, cross site scripting, port scans… So, this a chance for Web security experts or enthusiasts who know tools to probe for vulnerabilities, to become the Master Hacker of FinTP 🙂 And, as not all of us are as gifted as others, they’ll need to explain the exploit path at the end.

As I did not put a note at the beginning at the post, stating “this is only for techy guys”, I eliminated some of the real technical details. If not for any other reason, at least for me to really understand what I am talking about 😛

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