e-Finance Awards Gala – 9th Edition – February 28, 2012

Just two days after the Academy Awards night, we had another gala to be witness too. This time as nominees, not only TV spectators of a fabulous show. I’m talking about the e-Finance Awards Gala, held at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, yesterday evening.

Yes, it is true, it does not have the same international awareness as the Oscars, but it does manage very well to bring together the most important players in the Romanian IT&C and Finance sectors. And it does have its own”red carpet”, nomination categories and award statuettes. Not golden, though 🙂

I know that, because I’m looking at one. Oh, in case I forgot to mention it right from the start, we were not just nominees, we were winners. Together with CEC Bank, for our more than 10 years long outstanding collaboration and for the recent qPI-TREZ project, designed to optimize the bank’s treasury operations. That’s why I have sitting on my desk a beautiful statuette as proof that Allevo and CEC Bank are thee-Partnership category winners. It was supposed to be inspirational 🙂

And we had our own Meryl Streep, in the person of Corina and our own Michel Hazanavicius, the “best director”, the one and only Sorin… Guiman, attending the gala.

As the Oscars had very funny comedians being very funny and Cirque du Soleil, still being very impressive, the e-Finance guests were engaged in a more artsy initiative. They received poems from the four Romanian poets invited to the event.

Here is the poem that Corina received (so sorry for the English-speaking readers, the original poem is in Romanian. I have tried to adapt it, but I’m not really a poet to make the translation of it look and sound like something artistic):

“Pagoda din munti

daca ai fi

o tulpina de bambus

ai putea fi stalpul

unei mici pagode din munti

sau doar pipa

din care un batran

nestiutor de carte

si-ar fuma tutunul sau

opiul de fiecare zi

dar daca ai fi

doar o tulpina de bambus

nu ti-ar pasa

daca esti pipa sau stalp

Cu prietenie, Horia Garbea

Februarie 2012″

“The Mountain Pagoda

if you only were

a bamboo stalk

you could be the pillar

of a small mountain pagoda

or only the pipe

from which an old man

ignorant to knowledge

would smoke his tobacco

or everyday opium

but if you were

just a bamboo stalk

you wouldn’t care

if you are a pipe or a pillar”

on the spot translation by me:)

Last but not least, congratulations to all the winners of this year’s gala.

Now, I would like to stay and chat, but we are popping up the champagne, to celebrate the award among colleagues. See ya!

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