A little journal about Allevo at Sibos Osaka

Did you know that Forex and other futures traders use a system of analysis developed by rice merchants in Osaka many years ago? These merchants from Osaka developed the world’s first futures trading system. This is just another fact explaining maybe why Osaka functions as one of the command centers for the Japanese economy and historically was the commercial center of Japan.

This, combined with the fact that author Michael Booth and food critic François Simon of Le Figaro have both suggested that Osaka is the food capital of the world, are maybe some of the reasons that made Osaka a perfect home for Sibos this year. Or maybe what seemed to be perfect is not that perfect, since we have chosen our stand to be in the Chinese banks neighborhood @Sibos, and now we’ve found ourselves in the middle of huge lounge oases.

And that’s where we have landed today. And when I say we, I mean myself and my colleagues composing the Allevo delegation for this year’s largest financial industry event. And when I say landed, I just have to mention that the Kansai International Airport, second busiest airport in Japan, is situated entirely on a purpose-built artificial island. Pretty cool, huh?

I must admit, if I would have taken a Trivia quiz on Osaka one year ago, I would not have even guessed all the interesting facts about this city. But reading this past few months about our destination, unleashed such a curiosity and eagerness that I can only hope to satisfy during our stay here.

So, this is the first page of our journal to Sibos Osaka. I will tell you more each day about our experience both as Sibos exhibitors and Osaka visitors. Now, I’m going to meet the city by night 🙂

Tomorrow’s preview: Allevo is preparing the stand 3B11 in Hall 3 at Intex, to be most welcoming for our guests.

For more “on the spot” information and comments you can also follow our tweets.


By: Ioana Moldovan

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