Workshop III / 2010: Lots of very low value transactions and big safety rules

Usually referred to as workers’ remittances, it’s about very low value transactions through a large variety of channels. That brings us to the connection between the two themes of the 3rd BIS Seminar:

Workshop III/2010
March, the 25th
Workers’ Remittances & Anti Money Laundering
The role of remittances, payments dynamics, current transfers, anti money laundering measures and other key words will be the main discussion threads in an informal meeting we are inviting you to take part to. You’ll meet other banks’ and corporates’ representatives whom you’ll be able to exchange opinions with. Our business analysts will also be here and everywhere they’re needed….
We’ll welcome your questions as a valuable contribution to a good and clarifying Seminar.
LATER UPDATES: Details and some photos from the seminar are on our website.

Next on BIS’ Workshops:
Trade Finance and Liquidity Management (planned on May, the 5th)

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