And the winner is...


Back at Sibos this morning for Day 3, we had a very nice surprise. Following yesterday’s number of Sibos Issues where we had our advertorial promoting Allevo’s sessions, today we were all over the edition 🙂 The most important mention followed Allevo’s presence in the Hyper-Economies session within the Innotribe space. This session had also a great impact on participants as I saw a flow of tweets about it.


Another mention referred to our wine sessions, saying “Allevo proves without a shadow of a doubt Romanian wine rivals the best.”

Also, one of our CEO tweets ended up in the Found on Twitter #Sibos section of Sibos Issues.

After this, another busy day at Sibos, but I guess this is a pleonasm, as all the days at Sibos cannot be other than busy 🙂 Lots of meetings, interesting sessions, running demos, which lead to a lot of new connections, confidence, business opportunities and ideas. But this is what Sibos is about, isn’t it? This is what “being present” is all about.

The time seemed to fly (not only today) and it was in no second that was 5 o’clock in the afternoon, which means time for our already well known Romanian wine session.

Romanian wine session

I think we already set a tradition to change the 5 o’clock tea for a good Romanian wine. Well this year did not make any exception.

So, when the clock struck five, the wine started pouring in the glasses welcoming guests with its lovely aroma. Our little booth was filled with friends, partners and visitors enjoying the unique taste of our Special Reserve Feteasca Neagra as well as a more than welcomed moment of respiro and relaxation in the company of their peers.

Thank you to all who have come to Cin-Cin with Allevo.

Lucky draw

At the end of our wine session, the wonderful hand-made Romanian wall carpets, real pieces of artisan art and the albums depicting our superb Danube Delta have found their lucky new owners.

The happy winners were are: Ferreol Thouzeau, PNB Paribas, Joachim Berg, EFiS, Mario Reichel, Payment Group and Nicolas Cabioch, Alti

By: Ioana Moldovan

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