Code name: UG 25


This Tuesday, we organized the 25th edition of Allevo’s User Group. This time, the discussions were focused on feature updates like CDD and RUM for 2015, application updates, Allevo’s interests, including Sibos in Boston and last but not least on our new project BOOST (Banking On Open Source Technologies) and the FINkers United community.



It was also a good occasion to remind participants about the benefits of implementing other features like: SEPA Credit Transfer (Credit transfer transactions processing in SEPA format for RON) and SEPA Direct Debit (Direct debit transactions management in SEPA format for RON), Transaction Enrichment (ensures the transactions data enrichment based on application-defined lists – ex: BIC enrichment from IBAN -, complying with the SEPA Directive requirement), Corporate2Bank (ensures the processing of EUR payment initiation instructions compliant with SEPA rules and schemes, in the corporate-to-bank environment), Trez (allows the automation of treasury flows – FX and money market), ReconS (provides NOSTRO/VOSTRO automatic accounts reconciliation, intraday liquidity reports and integrated exception management) and AML (provides message filtering with detection of possible money laundering transactions), which also had a big track at Sibos this year. We also used the event to announce that, following last month’s MFI workshop, beginning of next year we are organizing a corporations workshop aimed at generating open discussions between the banks and corporations’ representatives.

The news about application updates in the reports and interface areas were very well received. The new FinTP interface will work with any browser and we plan to make it mobile friendly. And that’s just another reason for wanting to migrate to FinTP sooner. As Andreea, our Business Development Manager, said “We are glad you liked the new interface; that means that you will be eager to get FinTP”.

In the last part of the event, it was time for the BOOST project and the FINkers United community to be in the spotlights. And by presenting the advantages and benefits of adhering and participating to this open source community, like the ability to influence projects and development strategies, independence from any software vendor, better TCO and time to market, costs reduction, if I were to mention a few, we renew our invite for all financial thinkers to join.




By Ioana Moldovan, 20 November 2014.


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