Workshop IV / 2010: Corporate – Banks Trade Finance and Liquidity Management

Related to Trade Finance, financial specialists may see it as a provision of capital for trade transactions, IT specialists see it as support services to automate the processing, risk officers as a threat to be contained while handling the transactions and the related payment. So, let’s meet and talk over these perspectives.
Even more, we’ll link it to Cash and Liquidity Management, the company’s liquidity reporting in the most efficient manner. Our product qPayIntegrator, by its dedicated module, may be applied here to best advantage. You might have read about this module on our website: qPI-ML, the liquidity reporting feature that ensures the relevant messages’ data reporting to provide the real-time cash reports and forecasts. This is not all about in our next

Workshop IV/2010
May, the 5th
Trade Finance and Liquidity Management

We’ll meet, as usual, to informally and openly discuss about the announced subjects and beyond them, in our conference room, hopefully in a sunny day.

LATER UPDATES: And so it is, warm & sunny, see photos we took today, the 5th of May!


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