Will The Real, True Rebels, Please Stand Up!

Just a few hours since the first Rebel Jam has ended and not only I’m starting to miss it, but I’m already thinking of the next one. Hope us rebels don’t have to wait long :)It has been an amazing 24-hour marathon, travelling all around the globe from Europe to the Americas, to Australia and back to Europe, with very interesting ideas, great presentations, inspiring conversations and most of all, fantastic people. Cause in the end, it’s all about people, isn’t it? And one day of contribution from truly creative persons, to both business and society, has to be properly taken into consideration and recognised.

We heard rebels talk about social movement, workplace innovation, dealing with failure, humor “treatment”, leadership and leadingship, sustainable charity, human capacity, distributed teams, innovation culture, grassroots movement, rebels’ motivation and many others.

I have to admit, with no intention to undermine other subjects, that I especially liked Dominik De Buyser‘s topic; and his presentation. Taking school to the street (with StreetwiZe) will make you see that education is just a side-effect. And there was also a good advice for rebels coming out of it: “If you did not grow up as a street kid, you’d better start thinking like one”. Cause maybe if we do so, we would stop surrendering community excellence and community values to the mere accumulation of material things (paraphrasing Robert F. Kennedy).

I would also like to take this chance to thank Peter and his team for this awesome experience offered by the Rebel Jam, the flagship event so far for the Corporate Rebels. As I told you in my previous posts, we had our own slot in the Jam, during which Sorin, our CEO, talked about the reason to liberally give and take. We enjoyed quite an audience, and it seems that the duality technology-human transpired from the presentation was appreciated. Also the fact that we declared ourselves haters 🙂

I would also like to take thischance to thank Peter and his team for this awesome experienceoffered by the Rebel Jam, the flagship event so far for the CorporateRebels. As I told you in my previous posts, we had our own slotin the Jam, during which Sorin, our CEO, talked about the reason toliberally give and take. We enjoyed quite an audience, and it seemsthat the duality technology-human transpired from the presentationwas appreciated. Also the fact that we declared ourselves haters:)


  • Hate innovation – love creativity
  • Hate manipulation – love free thinking
  • Hate secrecies – love sharing
  • Hate indifference – love involvement / daring

In few words, we basically hate not to assert our usual selves.


We also talked about our daring to change our business model, to go open source and about the hardships of forming the basis of a community (FINkers United). But what better audience to seek ideas from? What better people to come to our aid with their knowledge and expertise? Cause we do need help in this rebellion, we do need co-thinkers in rocking the boat of financial transactions processing. And, as someone during the Rebel Jam said, we can start small, but we cannot start alone. And if the hate-love list above means something to you, maybe you’ll consider joining us.

And just so you can meet some of us, say hello to the Allevo rebel team 🙂


Will the real rebels please stand up!!!

I was not the true crazy rebel though, as I did need my bio break and could not stay throughout the night. Apparently, there was no difference in substance between Europe and America, but just that change in cultural tone. It would have been interesting to see that. Maybe next time 🙂

With the interesting talks now over, guess it’s time for acting. We should bring corporate rebellion to the next level, a more actionable one, beyond the nice narratives, with a lot more clarity. So… let’s go really change something, because is behavior that drives culture. We are not troublemakers, we are believers: in change, in creativity, in sharing. And also romantics… at least some of us 🙂

And never forget that what us, rebels, should be looking for is “authenticity of being”.

Bye-bye Rebels and good luck wherever you are! ’til the next one!


PS: This is on an even more personal note: so happy the rebels liked what I made for the Rebel Jam 🙂




By Ioana Moldovan, 31 May 2013.


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