Two down, two to go


Halfway through Sibos and it feels that only yesterday we were registering everyone and picking up the stand location and planning demos and events.

C111 stand fuss

Day wrap-up is as follows: a few of us (such as myself) were punished to guard the stand, take care of all scheduled meetings and try keep up with all visitors, running demos one after the other; a true canter which brought a lot of new connections, confidence, business opportunities and ideas . It didn’t seem an eternity until the Allevo 5 o’clock wine tasting session, which was big help in getting back to the right pulse. People came back after Monday’s experience and others joined happily to exchange a few words over a glass of refreshing wine. Unfortunately we were not able to bring the traditional Halewood Romania Private Reserve wine we’ve brought every year at Sibos, because of the local alcohol monopoly. But we managed to find a work-around and served some local Canadian wine.

Round-table debate on open source

But today’s highlight actually happened first thing in the morning: the round-table debate on open source, a by-invitation-only session organized by Allevo in an attempt to try find common grounds for forming a community interested in adopting the open source concept in the financial industry. It seems that the initiative was very well received and people were responsive and interested in this subject. Open source in the financial transactions processing niche would drastically change the way things are currently going and, since several players already fancy the idea, chances are it will quickly be adopted and sustained.


Business Networking


Afterwards we had the big “after-party”, snacks and a few drinks in a room with both access from the MTCC and from the outside. The diversity of the invitees was thus larger than that of Sibos, bringing in people from Toronto who haven’t registered for Sibos, but who were interested in what was happening there. “Super networking opportunity” was among the feedback we received.

We were happy to select and announce the next set of three lucky winners of our daily draw. Two more days to go; drop your business card at our booth for a chance to win.

Stay tuned for more on Allevo at Sibos tomorrow night (or morning, depending on when and where from you’re reading us).

By: Ioana Guiman

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