Turning Disruption into Harmony

Tired of hearing about banking disruption? You’re not to blame, it’s a scary term feeding off a mound of vulnerabilities and it’s been flooding the media lately.

Are FinTechs the Big Bad Wolf?

Banks are increasingly often portrayed as if walking with a dark cloud dubbed FinTech over their heads, threatening to rain on their parade, but is this truly the case? We at Allevo think more in terms of partnerships and, as you already know, that is a two-way street, with advantages and benefits for both sides.

In fact, while FinTech companies are generally thought to be on the lookout for the next opportunity to take a bite and shrink the relevance of today’s banks, we think this is not the case. FinTechs by definition cannot compete with banks and can only succeed as long as a healthy banking environment exists. FinTechs and banks need to coexist and use each other to provide better services to people. We at Allevo have historically positioned on the side of the banks and we are offering to help them create better (and cheaper) services that can expand customer reach. We do this by promoting banking on open source technologies.

Now more than ever, with so many changes ahead of us (featuring PSD2 as queen bee), “collaboration” should be the key focus of the relationship between financial services and technology industries and we’re ready to embark on this journey with you by our side.

It’s only together that we can maintain and grow value, through openness and constant innovation, and our experience, ideas and energies combined are meant to deliver better products for everyone.

Gliding on the Winds of Change

We’re not ones to indulge on motivational quotes, nor are we going to preach that change is good, but something William Pollard said over a century ago caught our eye. Are you thinking about the classic “Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement”? Well, that’s just a plain starting point. It’s what he said next that truly makes a difference, that is: “Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable”.

We’re part of a very lively system, always striving to be one step ahead through constant analysis and trend forecasting. And so should you. After all, who else could be better prepared for a change than its very initiator?

Fun fact: Although Jurassic Park was still trending when Bill Gates called retail banks “dinosaurs” back in 1994, little did he know that instead of becoming extinct, they could rise from ashes.



It’s already proven that progress is achieved when fear of change gets replaced with the desire to seize new opportunities. So, to all the skeptics out there, please know that there is a silver lining to every change, no matter how terrifying it may seem at first. Oh, and we’re here to help, not to feast on misfortunes.

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