Sibos Day 1

Then we returned to find our booth full of people we hadn’t known before – was a very nice surprise as well.
I’m not going to make a review of all sessions we’ve seen & of all guests that have passed our door-step – guessing everybody can read a better Sibos Issues next morning focusing on that. I just want to write a quote I liked from the 1st session of the day: when the tide is low, you can see who’s not wearing a suit. So-so true & we’re fully armored on that front ;-).

The plenary & big issue debate… heard again all the buzz words of this decade: transparency, cooperation, participation, standardization, clarity, regulations E-T-C.

A thing I liked hearing was that public authorities should lead by example and banks should be innovative, which got me into thinking about the Romanian Treasury department, whom we have shared our stand with last year, presenting how our payments solution models their business.

Luckily I didn’t have the privilege of meditating on this thought all night long in the exhibition center and we safely got back at the hotel ( a bit rained upon, but ok). There was a slight chance that the alert would get somewhere above level 8 & that we all would’ve been shut down over night where else if not at Sibos.

Though I’m sure not many would’ve objected – must be an experience. Sibos by night! But today wasn’t the day. Still 3 more days to go, actually 4, counting in Friday too. Otherwise, there’s always
room for out of routine stuff in Amsterdam ;-).

So much for day 1’s brief. Getting late over here in HK.



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