Sibos Day 0

On-site reporting:

Sibos final touches and preparations are unrolling. BIS’ team has safely landed, checked in and arrived at the Amsterdam RAI to see through the stand works. Already having a two years experience in building a stand from scratch, everybody was fully prepared for a long day. We started with the booth decoration and finished with going through all the presentations and demos that will be performed for our stand visitors during the week to come.

The stand concept prepared for Amsterdam differs from the ones exhibited in Vienna & Hong Kong, adding lots of lighter blue and violet to reflect the changes brought to the company’s image by the undergoing rebranding process. Business Information Systems is becoming Allevo and the Sibos 2010 stand was designed to prepare for this transition.

Here is a preview of stand B202 (while still under construction), the place that will host our certified experts and welcome guests for discussions, presentations or demos of our products and solutions October 25-29 2010.

We are quickly heading towards a long, busy, but hopefully rewarding week ! Go, go, go BIS team!

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