Rebranding code (IV) Internal Seminar


We’re on time.

The actions planned till now for the external campaign of our rebranding are done, emails, letters, sample of future letters, all have been sent to our partners. Still a lot to do next, about providers, be they websites with our company information and offer, be they suppliers in several departments.That’s external.

What about the internal actions to a successful rebranding?

A mandatory condition is that every single person in the company knows, understands, agrees and can talk about the rebranding.

We did involve everyone in this process, in detail, but the overall result and line of conduct have to be presented to all in an inside Seminar.

It’s what the branding specialists say and friends in companies which went through the same changes recommend: the rebranding code has to be settled.

We’ve set the date for the Seminar, we have the place & the audience, we need a speaker. It seems one has got to have a gift to speak in front of an audience, in conference. But, how do you call it when you need to speak in front of all your colleagues? And more, you need to guide them through a long-work-path?

This requires self-assurance and knowledge from the speaker’s part, attention and acceptance from the audience’s part.

The internal Seminar is set to be held in the week before Easter; tough week for Christians, religiously speaking it’s the Passions Week. Could it be considered only a coincidence?

Sure, but we still need a speaker.

Any volunteers?

By: Corina Cornea

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