People CMM and Small Organizations

I fully agree with this quote. People CMM has the best practices needed by an organization to attract, develop, motivate, organize, and retain the workforce.
If you are a manager in charge of a whole organization or a team or a HRM Department, People CMM is the model to follow.

People CMM version 2 has just been released.
The People CMM model helps organizations to establish a culture of professional excellence which is the best remedy for brain drain.

Today, People CMM has been implemented in various types of industries (Banking / Financial Services, Government, Insurance,Utilities, IT of course etc.)
The People CMM model must be interpreted flexibly especially when applying it to smaller organizations so that bureaucratic activities are minimized.

Pay attention to the fact that “size” for organizations in Romania (and other small countries) is not the same as in North America. What in Romania we say “large” in USA is “medium/ small”. Only telecom organizations, the first 3 banks, several international companies might be considered “large”.

From the point of view of People CMM Model, most of the organizations in Romania should be considered small/ medium size and as such, the model must be carefully interpreted.

We’ve had enough bureaucracy so far, no need to increase the forest devastation.
I will add this: a collaborative platform, simple to use and affordable yet with a powerful functionality can make the difference between a successful implementation of the People CMM model and a new nightmare in a small/ medium size organization.

As I’m from BIS and I have been using successfully the collaborative software Esfera Suite on a daily basis for more than 7 years so far, I can say Esfera is an interesting option. We are now in the course of migrating the product on Microsoft Sharepoint technology and People CMM proved to be extremely useful in improving the product requirements.

Emilia Dragne
BIS SPI Project Manager

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