Open source in the world of financial transactions processing?

The topic is finding common grounds of collaboration for creating a community interested in implementing the open source model for financial transactions processing.

There are a few invitations left, so, if you’re interested in attending, leave a comment or send me an email at ioana dot guiman at allevo dot ro before Sept.10th (make sure to leave name & email). The first 5 interested in having a seat at this round-table will receive one of the available invitations.

For those of you not physically attending Sibos this year, but registered at, we’ve built a virtual stand on the platform provided by SWIFT this year (Virtual Sibos). So, if you’re not in Toronto but are interested to find out more on how we see this open source approach in this industry, our virtual representatives can help you out and answer any questions.

At Sibos, the team will be almost non-stop available for a chat around this initiative, so do dare approach!

By: Ioana Guiman

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