Missing Sibos already?

A long way to the Land of the Rising Sun, and an even longer way back home. But we are home, catching our breath after a very busy week at Sibos Osaka. Well, not really catching our breath, as we are all quite caught up with the follow-up to the numerous meetings and presentations we had there. Not to mention all the fuss created for the SEPA project going live last Friday in Romania on local currency.

As you could read in my previous posts, following our tradition at Sibos, we have organized our own session, called Agile Financial Inclusion. But what was new this year, compared to the previous ones, was our presence in the Innotribe space. Given Allevo’s involvement in developing the first financial transactions processing application available as open distribution software, we were invited to participate in the “Hyper-Economies” session, to talk about our FinTP project in the context of the birth of new economies based on hyper-connected organizations, exposure of core competence through APIs, horizontal sourcing versus vertical integration, Peer-To-Peer (P2P) sharing of data, open source developments, and activated humans that act from their true selves and lead into a new practice for value creation.

As the launch of the project in Romania, on May 24th this year, the idea stirred a lot of interest in the audience. And we are talking about a quite impressive crowd. Jeniffer Sertl, a thought leader in the emerging field of corporate consciousness, internationally respected author, keynote speaker and the president and founder of Agility3R said that we are “leading example in open software (brave)”. Michael Bauwens, founder of Peer2Peer Foundation and speaker in the same session, placed Allevo’s open sourcing move in the quadrant of global communities (foundations), oriented towards benefits rather than profit.


Even more, Chris Skinner, author of the Financial Services Club blog, has been voted at Sibos as the best banking&financial blog, mentioned Allevo’s project in one of his posts as a future economic model.

Participating at this session and receiving such a great feedback can only encourage us to continue to walk the talk and to support with every available resource the success of the FinTP project. And don’t forget, as I said so many times before, anybody be an active party in this initiative.

This being said, I believe this was a very fruitful Sibos for Allevo.

Stepping away from Allevo a little bit, I just want to mention again the good feeling I had by participating to the Innotribe’s session “The Future of Doing Good”. It was inspirational for me, making me write a separate blog post only about this session. It was honoured by the presence in the panel of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chairman of Yunus Centre and the founder of Grameen Bank, whose speech in the closing session at Sibos raised the entire crowd into a long standing ovation.

Other interesting sessions that I can mention are: Digital Asset Grid, the Innovation Opening: The Tribe on Tatami and of course the Innotribe Start-up 2012 Challenge Grand Finale.

I think I already miss these Sibos days, the vibe, the talks, the ideas, having a glass of Romanian wine with our visitors. Ah, that reminds of something that made us very happy: Chris Skinner included Allevo’s wine and panpipes in his top of best giveaways at Sibos Osaka 2012. Nice, isn’t it?

But the time until Sibos Dubai will pass in no time 🙂

I would like to end with something Professor Yunus said during his speech at Sibos’ closing session: “Twenty years from now, everything you think might happen probably will happen. And the same will be true in banking. Twenty years from now, you probably will not recognize banking.” He said many inspirational things, maybe more important than this quote, but this made me think of FinTP. Maybe FinTP is a step in the direction of these changes, to make the banking system more agile and more oriented towards its customers.

By: Ioana Moldovan


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