Kind Reminder: SWIFT 7.2 Mandatory Update

To ensure the continuity of your SWIFT services,

you have to upgrade by end November this year.

This applies to Alliance Access, Alliance Entry, Alliance Gateway, Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded, SWIFTNet Link and SWIFT Web Access and the aim of the 7.2 release is to keep providing a highly secure SWIFT service to all customers, with equally important pluses as far as efficiency is concerned.

What Is New in the 7.2 Release

In brief, new features can be summarized as follows:

  • 64-bit architecture
  • Refreshed underlying technology
  • FileAct Enhancements
  • Strengthened password policies
  • Named Security Officers (for Access/Entry)

SWIFT 7.2 is a most welcome refresh in terms of technology and security, introducing a new operating system baseline to run this application suite on, combined with upgrades to the third-party software embedded in SWIFT products.

The new release introduces the 64-bit architecture in order to enhance performance and capacity and it can also be seen as a means of support for the security measures imposed by the Customer Security Programme.

What You Should Do About It

  • Upgrade SWIFT software components
  • Upgrade OS baseline and move to 64-bit
  • Evaluate and maybe even upgrade existing hardware

Hint: You might reuse your hardware if it is less than 2 years old and it is explicitly supported by new OS levels, but you should definitely consider replacing it if it has not been refreshed since the 7.0 Release.

Remember: You will lose the ability to transact over SWIFT if migration is not completed by end November.

*Allevo is SWIFT Business Partner and Registered Vendor. As part of this partnership Allevo promotes SWIFT product and service portfolio in Romania.

**The content of this blog post belongs to its author and does not reflect the official position of SWIFT.

***Should you wish to contact us, you may do so via e-mail / website form.

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