FINkers United – the new team for financial transactions going open source - Bucharest, May 24th, 2012

Remember I told you a secret when I was talking about our last user group? Well, the secret is out now! And you can make all the fuss about it 🙂

Leaving the secrecy behind, let me tell what this is about. Allevo has come up with the idea to develop an open source application for financial transactions processing and, simultaneously, to create a community around it. The application code name is FinTP and it is far from being just an idea anymore, it has grown into a thoroughly documented project.

And because we want to get into more details, we are organizing a special event on the 24th of May, 2012. Save the date in your calendars and come to IBR (Romanian Banking Institute) that day, cause we’re gonna have a blast at the first Allevo “unconference”.

This is the first in a series of communications related to the event and the project, so make sure you don’t miss the updates by following our blog, our tweets and our brand new FINkers United Facebook page. And not to forget, if you have any feedback or input on this, you can also write us an e-mail.

Looking forward to unconference you 🙂


By: Ioana Moldovan

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