e-Finance Awards Gala 10th Edition - January 23rd, 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Oh, dear, time really does fly! I had second thoughts about starting the post with this phrase, but it describes exactly how I felt. First, because yesterday evening there was the 10th edition of e-Finance’s Awards Gala and it seems like only yesterday I wrote about its 9th ceremony. And second, because Allevo received this year the e-10 years award, granted for excellence and global performances over the last decade.

OVER THE LAST DECADE… Makes you think. From a person’s point of view I guess this award might make you feel old :), but for a company like us, I believe the correct word is mature. And maybe it comes to remind us that we have grown over these years, we have learned a lot, we have discovered plenty, we have changed, we have evolved. We have served our customers with professionalism, we have gained experience from every relationship with our partners, we have found the courage to initiate the first open distribution project for financial transactions processing. We have done all these things, even if now it seems like time just flied 🙂

Thank you e-Finance for reminding us.


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