Book the Date FINkers United, Bucharest, May 24, 2012


Told you I’ll be back with updates 🙂 On what? Well, on our FINkers United event, of course.

Don’t have the date booked in your calendars yet? It’s time you do. Because I promise you, we’ll have the “unconference” time of our lives.

Here is how the show will go on, and on, and on 🙂


09:00-09:30 – Registration and welcome coffee

09:30-10:30 – Setting the scene. Sharing ideas. Creating value

Start of our journey. Take a short tour to setup a common map. We’ll visit the regions of: impact of open source in banking, bankers’ perspective on adopting it, projects and initiatives in other industries, financial market’s current status and trends, government regulations, impact on the operational business model, the financial community as a key to success. Final destination: finding ways to make this a compelling alternative.

10:30-11:15 – Workshop preview session

Just a short interactive discussion to see what we need to pack for our voyage and to sketch together the coordinates we need to touch on the map.

11:15-11:30 – Coffee break

11:30-12:30 – Workshop: From closed to open

First checkpoint. Trying to identify together the routes to take us from close to open. The easiest ones (in terms of implementation), the safest ones – with less obstacles/risks, the legal ones (not to get any fines), the most operational ones, the ones that even the acquisitions would take, the ones that the entire community will find agreeable.

12:30-13:30 – Lunch

We’ve come a long way. Let’s stop for a little feast to give us strength for the road ahead. We all deserve some culinary delights for our efforts.

13:30-14:30 – Workshop: How open is open?

Next checkpoint. Analysing in more details some of the most viable routes we have identified. How open are they? Cause we don’t want road blocks. Pay attention to the road signs that show the directions towards IT town, Legal region, Operations lake, Acquisition /investment plateau, Marketing city. Help each other if we have a flat tire or run out of gas, because we need travel companions to make it to the final destination.

14:30-14:45 – Coffee break

14:45-15:30 – Wrap-up session

The end of this short tour, but far from being the end of our journey. Sketch a line on our map that takes us to our destination (a trusted open source application and a reliable community). Mark the stops that we have to make. Calculate distances. Come up with solutions for our first kilometres. In a few words, summarize this trip’s journal.

15:30-16:00 – Awards session

There is a reward for everyone who joined us in this voyage. Also, for those who packed their business cards, there is a chance to win one of the two Apple tablets or one of the two huge champagne bottles.


Important people will accompany us on this trip, guiding our way in finding the right paths. And for that, we would like to thank them:

Kosta Peric, Head of Innovation and Co-founder of Innotribe, SWIFT

Petru Rares, President Romanian Banking Institute (to be confirmed)

Radu Ghetea, President CEC Bank

Rodica Tuchila, Director ARB (Romanian Banking Association)

Ruud van der Horst, Independent Consultant

Walter van Holst, Consultant, MITOPICS


I hope now you want to take this tour with us. See you next week 🙂

By: Ioana Moldovan

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