BIS online in 2009

Business Information Systems has been online for 10 years now, since 1999. The main portal for finding quick information on the company and its products & services has always been bisnet.

In 2009 we’ve taken the next step in expanding our means of communication with fellow members of the financial community.


Thus we created our twitter identity, BisnetDotRo (representing the name of our website), where we were quickly able to get in touch with our partners & customers & find new connections with the same interests as us.

Just for fun, here is our own twitter cloud, showing the most tweeted words from our side.


Our main buzzwords are directly related to this year’s main achievements, namely our presence at Sibos 2009, the series of workshops organised by us for our current & potential customers on SEPA, corporates etc, the demos we’ve developed for our products and so on. Apparently, most of all we’ve tweeted about SWIFT, Sibos, qPayIntegrator, SEPA, BIS & 2009.

BIS has also extended its online presence by posting on the BIS Stand Point blog (this one) and on our CMMI blog:

These blogs have been merged into our current blog.


Our team members can also be found & contacted directly on all of the most notorious social websites & media channels, such as swift community, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.

See you all online!

By: Ioana Guiman

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