BIS' 18th User Group Edition

Continuing to organize every 3 months a meeting with our customers – users of our applications and beneficiaries of our services – last week we have reached the 18th edition, marking the maturity age of these reunions. Coming of age is usually celebrated with a big party, gathering all friends, colleagues and partners; we did gather many of our collaborators, however, we skipped the dancing and kept it to an informative and networking level!

We were glad to receive a high number of participants, which convinced us that the members of the user community really want to stay in touch with BIS’ team and the latest news they present. From our point of view, the scope of these gatherings is to receive the feedback of our customers regarding our collaboration, to share with them various reports regarding the usage of our products, to exchange observations or enhancement proposals, as well as to present the short or long term initiatives and plans for the products in use.



Apart from the support services reports and key performance indicators regarding the use of BIS’ qPayIntegrator payment system, there were several presentations that turned into interactive discussions regarding the influence of SWIFT and EPC standards 2011 on the application, as well as the impact of TransFonD’s project – applying SEPA standards on national currency. Since BIS was an early bird in certifying with SWIFT its qPayIntegrator application for SEPA conformity (SWIFT SEPAReady 2008 and 2009), we have the expertise and experience to assist banks in complying also with this project – SEPA standards on Lei – so we presented the updates of 2011 project release, as well as the milestones for 2012 as outlined so far. The discussion was even more spiced up by TransFond’s representative, who was kind enough to share first hand information about the current status of the project and latest modifications.

The 18th edition of BIS user group also hosted the presentations of BIS’ German Partners – EFIS AG – a leading independent software provider for national, European and global payments processing and financial management solutions for the finance industry, corporates and SMEs. Continuing on the SEPA dialogue, EFIS team introduced a new concept – Single Euro Business Area – presenting the notion and aspects that cover the entire area of business from a financial perspective throughout Europe.

After performing a qPayIntegrator PAYaaS demo – BIS’ managed hosted service – we ended the meeting by asking the participants to fill in a survey regarding their criteria of evaluating a payment solution. BIS is constantly preoccupied with the satisfaction of its customers and guides its actions according to their input; this time, the scope of the survey was to assess their interest in the new features of qPayIntegrator, in the new licensing models (qPI-SaaS) or in transforming qPayIntegrator in an open source product.

A big “thank you” to all our qPayIntegrator community members for their overall input in the success of this event!

BIS team

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