Allevo User Group – 20th Edition, Bucharest, April 6, 2012

I just got back from Allevo’s 20 User Group, so I would like to take a few moments to thank everyone who was by our side at the event today and not only today, but through our entire joined qPayIntegrator experience.

Besides the usual user group specific information consisting of news and improvements coming with the third version of our qPay Integrator solution, our agenda featured two hopefully interesting topics: one is the near future launch of SiT! – Allevo’s new help desk application that is intended to help us help you; and the other one is FinTP – Allevo’s open source initiative that has already developed into a thoroughly documented project.

Let’s talk just a little bit about each of the two.

Allevo SiT! – Support Incident Tracker was born from the initiative to make the help desk process a lot more transparent, more intuitive for our customers, to help them keep track easier of all the incidents raised. We have our mind set on bringing this useful tool to you by June 1, when we plan to go live.

FinTP is the code name for the open source application for financial transactions processing that Allevo is developing, while simultaneously working to build a community around it. I would like to tell you more now, but I don’t want to spoil the fun of our FinTP dedicated event that will take place on May 24 this year. And when I say fun, I mean fun 🙂 Because we are planning to have a rather special event, what the innovative people call an “unconference”. Ooops, please don’t tell anyone I told you this, cause the official message is not out yet, but considering that it will be, very soon,we can keep this as our little secret until then.

If I started the post with thanks, I can end it with Thank You as well: for embarking with us on the qPayIntegrator voyage and for trusting us to offer you a safe travel. I hope you did and you will enjoy the ride 🙂


By: Ioana Moldovan

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