Allevo and the Summer of Code

Monday, on September 23rd, the closing event of the ROSEdu Summer of Code program took place. For those of you unfamiliar with it, ROSEdu Summer of Code is a frame project aiming to offer students an alternative summer internship program. Throughout the summer, participants contributed to one of the proposed Open Source projects, while being guided along the way by members of the project’s community.


Why am I writing about it? Well, not only because it is about open source or about young people, but also because Allevo is dedicated to supporting young students bring their fresh and bright ideas to life. That’s why we did not think twice when it came to sponsoring this year’s Summer of Code. Even more, we involved students in our project FinTP, aimed to re-engineer the closed source product qPI into an open source application.


Coming back to Monday evening, the ten participants to the program showcased their final presentations and six scholarships have been granted. One of the winners was Anda Nenu working on Allevo’s project FinTP. Apart from Anda, we had other two students really interested in the experience offered by working on such a complex project as FinTP.


At the end of the summer and of three months of intense work, the students involved in our project managed to develop a tool for generating components configuration files and heavily contributed to developing the FinTP REST API (user interface API).


Congratulations are due to all participants and to the winners. If you want to take a look at same pictures from the event, here’s the album posted by ROSEdu.

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