The Magic Number Seven for FinOps Suite

Seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow… seven major events for FinOps Suite in 2018! Indeed, this year FinOps Suite will be Allevo’s Snow White, so let’s meet its 7 dwarves.

We’ll kick off the year with a spring conference by Oxygen Events, dedicated to digital banking, followed by FinMedia’s FinTech Forum.

Early summer catches us in Amsterdam at the Money20/20 Europe conference and, as soon as everybody gets back to work in September, we’re planning on holding an SME & corporate workshop in Bucharest, closely followed by attending the unmatched Sibos in Sydney.

As 2018 reaches the end, FinOps Suite will be back home at SWIFT Business Forum Romania and, being one step closer to completion, it will also benefit from a well-deserved prom, as the highlight of our annual User Group.

1 – Digital Banking – March, Bucharest

Given the increasing share of online transactions, the annual Romanian conference on digital banking will not only tackle current trends in the industry, but also cybersecurity and financial education.

2 – FinTech Forum – May, Bucharest

Digitalization, technological progress and innovative business models coming from FinTechs will definitely influence the market more and more, hence an entire day is dedicated to them in an interactive, topical forum.

3 – Money20/20 Europe – June, Amsterdam

The conference team is made up of some of the most inventive payments and events professionals globally. Bringing together the entire financial services industry for three days, ideas are created, partnerships are formed and future trends are imagined.

4 – Allevo Workshop for SMEs and Corporations – September, Bucharest

Entirely focused on FinOps Suite, the workshop will bring together specialists from Romanian companies of all types and sizes who might greatly benefit from the financial software we are developing as part of our EU-funded TOSS project.

5 – Sibos – October, Sydney

This is the very well-known global financial services networking event organized by SWIFT. The annual conference and exhibition connects more than 8,000 executives, decision makers and thought leaders from across the industry.

6 – SWIFT Business Forum Romania – November, Bucharest

The event, organized by the Romanian Banking Association and SWIFT, in partnership with Allevo, gathers executives, IT&C specialists, payments and operations officers from financial institutions, as well as representatives of their corporate clients, debating challenges and opportunities for the Romanian banking and financial industry.

7 – Allevo User Group 31 – November, Bucharest

Our end-of-year user group wraps up ongoing and future projects, pinpoints accomplishments and targets, while also highlighting and strengthening partnerships, and helping identify new opportunities.

Looking forward to an amazing fairy tale year, full of energy and rewarded effort!

In Romanian:

Pentru informatii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinantate de Uniunea Europeana, va invitam sa vizitati Continutul acestui material nu reprezinta in mod obligatoriu pozitia oficiala a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romaniei. Proiect finantat in cadrul POC, Axa prioritara 2, Acțiunea 2.1, Prioritate de investitii 2b. Cod MySMIS: 115724, Nr. Contract Finantare: 101/16.08.2017.

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