Sibos Day 2

Tuesday’s Sibos is over – can’t believe it. This is mid-Sibos. And we’re still alive & up for the days to come.


Tomorrow’s Worker’s Remittances day ( as in there are many sessions scheduled ) at Sibos. Can’t wait to see what people think about it.


After all, SWIFT has launched the platform, we have created the solution on top of that… now it just remains a question of how banks are treating this subject. I really hope it won’t get prolonged like SEPA.


So tomorrow, to go with the day’s theme, we’re also sharing our knowledge and/or showing demos of our Workers’ Remittances solution to anybody interested in this one year old subject. We’re expecting everybody to come knock on our door.
For dinner, we retired over Russian food, in the company of the lovely Romanian government representative here in Hong Kong. She will be joining us at Sibos tomorrow.  Tomorrow’s gonna be just great!


That being said, coming back with insights 24hrs from now.

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