Rebranding invitation (VII) - to friends readers

After thirteen years of business innovative activity in the financial market, it gives us a great pleasure to invite you to join us at the event we’re organizing for launching the new visual identity of Business Information Systems, Allevo.

The event will take place at:

Pescarus Restaurant – Herastrau Park
Tuesday, 7 June 2011, at 6.00 p.m.

We scheduled a short speeches session, by our representatives and by the rebranding agency, to explain the reasons of adopting the new identity.
We surely could not restrain ourselves of “showing off” with a laudatio moment for our team, a good occasion for our partners to share partnership impressions. We’d very much appreciate our invitees to join the planned interventions.

We’re taking the opportunity of the Allevo launching event to once more reiterate our belief in creativity. For some years now we adopted the highly-appreciated Romanian red wine Feteasca Neagra (in free translation: Black Maiden) as an inspiring symbol for creation! Adrian Georgescu is an unique author in the Romanian contemporary literature, through his style and intensity of feelings, and the novel we propose to Romanian readers is an individual reference to eternity.

Allevo is not perennial of course, but its team works with determination for promoting its own brand, beyond national borders, as a credible source of continuously innovated offered value.
We’ll welcome you with great pleasure to share with us this special occasion.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you, please let us know if you saved the date in your agenda.

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