All set and ready to go

Theoretically at this point everything’s ready for THE week of 2011: the Sibos week. Allevo delegates have already arrived here in Toronto, the booth is up and looks much better than the initial layout, giveaways are all neatly packed awaiting visitors to come and fetch them as Allevo souvenirs from Romania, the presentations & demos are ready to roll, agenda’s full, the Allevo sessions are in place, in not so many words everything is more than fine and we are confident and fully plugged in.
In my opinion, this is the best looking booth we’ve had, finally rising to the elegance level set by our notorious exhibition neighbors.

This year at Sibos, Allevo’s team members are:

Upper row L2R: Corina Cornea (Marketing Manager), Sorina Bera (Professional Services Director), Ioana Guiman (Product Manager), Laurentiu Andrei (MoPF)

Lower row L2R: Mihai Guiman (Solution Manager), Corina Mihalache (Business Analyst), Horia Beschea (Software Development Director)

Don’t be shy and come approach any of us over the following days, we’re always happy to share our ideas & learn from others’ experiences!
The Allevo calendar for the upcoming week is as follows:

Monday 19 Sept Tuesday 20 Sept Wednesday 21 Sept Thursday 22 Sept
  09:30 Round-table debate on open source* (201D)

15:00  Business networking* (201D)

09:30  Financial interoperability and open source (Community room 3)  
All day product demos* All day product demos* All day product demos* All day product demos*
16:30 Daily draw

17:00 Wine tasting

16:30 Daily draw

17:00 Wine tasting

16:30 Daily draw

17:00 Wine tasting

16:30 Daily draw

17:00 Wine tasting

Note: only events taking place outside Allevo’s C111 booth are marked accordingly
* for logistics reasons, these events are by invitation only; please send an email to Ioana dot guiman at allevo dot ro and ask for an invitation

For those of you who, for various reasons, were not able to make it to Canada this time around, we’ve set our minds to tweeting right from the exhibition floor & to blogging what Sibos feels like from Allevo’s stand. Follow us @A11evo.

This year SWIFT has enabled a very cool platform called Virtual Sibos, designed specifically for those interested to keep an eye on Sibos over the internet.  Virtual Sibos is open to all Sibos attendees, both virtual and physical participants as of Sept 26th. The platform provides a showcase of all main Sibos conference sessions taking place in Toronto as well as the Virtual exhibition. Allevo has a stand here as well.

So, either virtually or physically, come meet Allevo and Allevo’s experts over the next few days!


By: Ioana Guiman

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