FinKers United, May 24, 2012 Giving New Meaning to the Word Togheter


They say that user-centered design is a cutting-edge trend that involves customers and end users in the design of products and services. It has been proven that the highly experienced and knowledgeable users of today are a great source of insights, and if involved, can ensure that companies create better products and services that address real needs.

In this unconference event, we are counting on you to jointly co-create with us at Allevo the foundation of a solution for financial institutions, using a groundbreaking approach inspired by the open-source community. It is our belief that you with your diverse knowledge and experience can make valuable contributions to this bold initiative. As I said in my previous posts, at this event, every guest is a special guest.

But this event is only the beginning. It is a long way to go, but we are prepared and we have the heart to go all the way. And we need you, our partners, our customers, innovators, developers, legal experts, technical and business specialists, to join us in this journey, to apply our collective intelligence to building this community, to solving the very concrete problems that such a project may face, to turn this bold initiative into a great accomplishment, for everyone involved.

It may sound pretentious, it may sound hard to achieve, but we, at Allevo, believe in this initiative and I surely hope that you will believe to after the FINkers United event, on May 24.

We can do this, but we can only do it together. I say we give it a shot 🙂

Speaking of together, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Kosta Peric, Head of Innovation at SWIFT and Co-founder of Innotribe, for his article on Forbes, talking about Allevo and our FinTP project.


See you tomorrow 🙂

By: Ioana Moldovan

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