Almost Time for FinTP Hackathon #2

Monday, October 14, 2013


Some of you might still remember the first FinTP Hackathon that we organized on May 15th this year. With all the stage fright of putting together our first event of such type long gone, we now look forward to its second edition. For the FinTP Hackathon #2, we did not plan only a one-day event, but a full six weeks experience. But our goal stays the same: to enable collaboration for developing the FinTP platform and offer relevant resources to the community.


When is it going to happen? Well, FinTP Hackathon #2 has three stages:

Hackthon #2 postit 1 22 October 2013 – The opening event, dubbed “FinTP In Between Two Hackathons”. It is aimed to provide some highlights on the second hackathon and what’s in it for the participants. Allevo’s senior business consultants, developers, professional customer support, business development, process design and commercial representatives will be there to share their view related to the final tunings Allevo undertakes prior to openly publishing, in January 2014, FinTP and its set of features. They will also reveal the timeline of further releases and how we plan to keep improving the agility and relevance of our presence in the community. Our developers will also reveal the themes for this edition of the FinTP hackathon.

Hackthon #2 postit 2 The development stage – over the following six weeks, each participant will be able to get familiar with the available source code and can choose to work on one of the suggested themes or to anything they find more interesting. Anybody can publish their own ideas and bring their contribution to the framework we’re presenting. Ideas and suggestions are more than welcome. Any idea is a good idea: business, technical, fun… And any good idea can be improved into a great idea.

Hackthon #2 postit 4 12 December 2013 – The closing session. In the first half of the day, it will host a workshop for each type of professional profile of the participants, and in the second half of the day a conclusions session to deliver the opinion of both Allevo and the rest of the participants on the readiness of the FinTP project for being published. Last but not least, we will reward the contributors with post Saint Nicolas and pre Santa Claus gifts.


We would very much like to see you among the participants. Please check more details regarding the event and how you can register on FinTP Developer Community web page. And remember, your ideas and suggestions are more than welcome on the community’s forum.


We’re counting on your contribution!


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