AML - Questions and... Opinions

We’ve been invited to stress opinions about Anti-Money Laundering solutions market.

Just a preview:
AML – Where is the driver?
Well, we think AML solutions’ main driver is the regulation. Of course the financial institutions should be the first to be concerned about their customers’ conduct & risks and they would like to use the same solution to answer to all related requirements, that is not only the anti money laundering provisions but also those related to applying international sanctions and risk management, accordingly. In the last years there were frequent changes to these regulations that in turn induced significant efforts to comply with from both commercial entities and solution providers.

AML – Which is the market ?
AML solutions are not addressing only banks and other financial institutions. The AML legal frame has to be applied also by other entities, legal or individuals within other fields of activity. Their needs for monitoring and reporting suspicious transactions could be different, from here arising the demand of having solutions tailored in order to meet customer requirements regarding operations and volumes.

Know, apply, work on it, have solutions!

Questions? Opinions?

(the whole interview is to be published in the Romanian e-Finance magazine, in an AML dedicated section)

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