Increased efficiency for financial operations via SWIFT channel

If you, our reader, as a financial decision maker, wish your company’s financial operations be more efficient, you will certainly be interested in the debate we are organizing on the 17th of September. Themes as:

  • The experience of a medium-sized Austrian company in consolidating its financial operations with its banks by using SWIFT channel for funds transfers, liquidity management and credit portfolio.
  • Restructuring trends for the distribution channels of financial products and services
  • Specific elements that outcome from your own experience as a starting point in drawing up the plan for financial operations efficiency

gather in BIS’ conference room the Senior Account Director for Central and Eastern Europe from SWIFT, the Treasury System Implementation Manager of the Austrian Company, corporations’ treasury/financial managers, BIS’ specialists.

We scheduled this event following the SWIFT Business Forum Romania (15th of September) that has BIS as co-organizer.

We are sure that this debate, taking place in an informal atmosphere, will bring practical information on actual themes.

Other details will be provided here in future posts, to keep you updated.


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