Waiting for the Rebel Jam


Only tomorrow is not Thursday 30 and then it’s time for Reeeeebel Jaaaam 🙂 Remember I told you a while back that at the end of this month you have the chance to spend a cool corporate 24 hours? And no, there is no incongruity here, not if Corporate Rebels United has something to do with it!


So, until the clock strikes noon two days from now (12.00 CET) you have enough time to register, if you haven’t done so by now, clear your schedule, arrange your chair, turn up your volume and be up for some inspiring entertainment and provocative discussions. On what? Well… on leading networked organizations, on reinventing sales management, on reasons to build a distributed team, on how office design can improve collaboration and innovation, on taboos in the workplace that block innovation and how to solve them by humor, on leadership for someone or leadingship for everyone, on corporate spring – a journey from fear to love, on the human capacity project, on being a rebel inside the government, on how to tackle the issues everyone cares about but no-one owns… for example 🙂

And because it feels great to be a rebel with such a cause, we will be part of this jam, with our own presentation slot. For 30 minutes (15:30-16:00 CET) we would like to talk to the other rebels about the reason to liberally give and take (this is what we like to call the Allevo team rebellion :)). It’s about having the courage to disrupt the comfort of immobility, about shared cultural achievements, about hating the new given ring to innovation, but loving true creativity, about hating manipulation, but loving free thinking.

Of course, it all has something to do with us trying to rebel against the status quo of the current financial transactions world, reshaping our business model in order to launch the first open source platform for financial transactions processing – FinTP – and build a community around it – FINkers United.

But there’s a pitfall; that of not knowing very well how to inspire a large pull of people. And that’s where we are searching for ideas from bright minds like yours and of the corporate rebels around the world.

That being said, let’s rebel together and let’s start doing it this Thursday. Oh, and just to remind you that you can join at anytime the Corporate Rebels United group on Facebook or the Romanian Hub, created to show the world our country has rebels too 🙂


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