Allevo Receives Award for Its Solution for Corporations

What a great start of the year for Allevo who continues the tradition of being among the winners at the e-Finance Awards Gala, held this year on January 26th in Bucharest. At the 13th edition of this important competition in Romania dedicated to IT&C and financial and banking industry we have received the e-payments award prize for initiating the TOSS (Treasure on Open Source Software) project in 2015, our financial transactions centralized processing solution for corporations.

The project that Allevo initiated last year comes in the context of the SEPA Regulation that says starting October 2016, in non-euro countries, corporations must also align to SEPA standards. To help in this process, Allevo solution will be integrated in the IT infrastructure of the corporations, between their back-office application and the communication interfaces with their partner banks, transforming in what we call a “unique processing window”.

The annual awards of the e-Finance Magazine recognizes industry leaders that in 2015 have demonstrated excellence in new projects, partnerships, products, services, innovation or new initiatives. The event gathered personalities of the IT&C and financial and banking industry.

Is for the 8th year in a row , Allevo was awarded at the e-Finance Awards Gala and we surely will not stop further improving our products and services. We will gladly help our partners and customers with much pleasure and passion providing solutions that fit with their needs!

Many thanks e-Finance for this award and also to our customers that encourages us to be better each day.

Author: Adriana Costea, Allevo Marketing Specialist

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