The 24th, User Group I mean


April 10th, 7:30 AM: waking up with the sound the rain makes on the window sill. Any other day this week would have been just fine, but today we have the User Group. And everybody knows how the traffic in Bucharest gets when a few drops of rain fall on the city streets. Imagine heavy rain. And everybody relates to trying to minimize the number of destinations you have to reach on a day like this.

One of the destinations our customers had to include in their itinerary was Hotel Royal, where we organized the 24th User Group. And they made it, despite the annoying traffic jams.

We started a little bit later, but the good thing is that we could not finish in time. And that is because the discussions, the debates, the questions and answers did not allow us to cut any of our topics short.

It did not come as a surprise that the main actors were SEPA for the first half and our FinTP project for the second half. In supporting roles we had Support, Customer Support (optimizing the services), Survey (the customer survey we did with Microsoft), Maintenance (implementing additional security), SWIFT Partnership (the SWIFT campaigns we are running), Industry Events (the importance of being present at conferences like Sibos, EBAday, etc), Corporate Rebels (open invitation to be a part of this movement empowering true change).



Last, but not least, we celebrated 10 years of qPayIntegrator, the product that united us there. Short trip on memory lane, we recalled its evolution, with the birth of new features each year, culminating with the launch of FinTP in 2014, its open source offspring. At this point, we explained, once more, the implications that come with this change, as well as the legal aspects surrounding the product (emphasising the distinction between the enterprise version and the community one), the project and the community around it.

Speaking of community, FINkers United is eager for new members, enthusiast financial thinkers of all sorts, from IT developers to financial experts. Remember the community’s home? It’s Go there, have a look, share your ideas. Cause we believe in the value of feedback and one of the conclusions of this meeting was that:

“We need as much FEEDBACK as we can get!”


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