Allevo - Exhibitor at Sibos Dubai

Monday, September 30, 2013

Here’s a summary of our experience as exhibitors at Sibos Dubai.

We had a brilliant week and we’d first of all like to thank our guests, whom we’ve had very interesting conversations with.

Then, we would like to thank all those who have augmented our online presence. I’ll start with Mr Chris Skinner, who has dedicated an entire blog post to our Financial Tribes of the Future session. “The day starts with […] the first session of the day: Financial tribes of the future, a topic that is close to my heart and explored the idea that banking will no longer be a mass market of service in the future, but a collation of many tribes of individuals with financial needs.”. He also included a picture from this session in his Remembering #Sibos 2013 in pictures post.

Then, Matteo Rizzi who has agreed to be part of this sessions’ panel and who wrote on his blog: “I was on a very interesting panel, unsuspectedly VERY popular, talking about collaboration and information sharing (and connected companies, and disruption from startups, etc etc). Allevo did a great job in putting this together. My first panel in my new role. ”

I was interviewed by Remi Akinjomo from the Technology Banker and my opinion was included in their Sibos wrapup post. Ioana Guiman, Product Manager at Allevo also agrees: “The financial African market is in full swing, it allows creating new types of solutions that are specifically designed to improve the lives of people. It is not about making investors rich, it is about creating something with meaning, something that matters.”

We’ve had 11 posts on our blog dedicated to this participation at Sibos.

We’ve sent 208 tweets from Sibos.

Last, but not least, for four days in a row, we’ve had one meeting after the other, the outcome of which you’ll see very shortly, we trust, in terms of new partnerships and new customers.

An extraordinary experience. We thank everyone who was part of it and we’re looking forward to a Sibos at least as rewarding as this one next fall in Boston!


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