EPC sets out Sepa mobile payments guidelines

Following our posts about SEPA (most recent in April 2011 ECB calls for Sepa deadline extension), we invite you to read more on this theme, freshly announced on Finextra:
Banking representative body the European Payments Council (EPC) has released a set of guidelines for mobile contactless transactions in the Single Euro Payments Area (Sepa).
The EPC says the guidelines aim to:

  • promote the use of open standards
  • define security requirements
  • clarify the roles of various stakeholders in the mobile ecosystem


The document details the different service models and processes involved in operating a contactless payment application within a mobile phone secure element (SE), from provisioning to transaction flows, cardholder verification methods and risk management.

The guidelines are exclusive to mobile contactless payments using near field communications (NFC) technology. The EPC says it is also developing implementation proposals for mobile remote payments to be released at a later stage.

The Council is calling on the industry to provide feedback by 17 June, with the objective of publishing final recommendations by October this year.
Read the news including the guidelines, on Finextra.


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