
Sibos Issues Preview

Romanian CEC Bank and the Romanian Ministry of Public Finance have completed the upgrade of their payment systems to become SEPAReady, using Business Information Systems‘ qPayIntegrator solution.

Sibos Day 4

The last day of Sibos 2009 went by without even getting the chance to notice when it was lunch time, noon, closing plenary time and over & out for everybody. I say last day, as tomorrow only the exhibitors will be present for a short while. Therefore we’ll still be there to say good byes to everybody […]

Sibos Day 3

This was the busiest day (so far). Apart from all pre-arranged meetings, lots of people dropped by to see what we’re up to this year around. We split ourselves between stand, meetings & must-not-miss sessions & we could barely cover everything up. I missed at least 2 conferences I would’ve loved attending. Will settle with […]

Business Information Systems signs agency contract with Swift

Wednesday 16/09/2009 Business Information Systems (BIS) announced todayat Sibos 2009 the signing of a partnershipcontract with SWIFT. SWIFT and BIS have signed today an ‘AgencyContract’ to develop a relationship that will allow both parties toleverage their areas of expertise to maximize benefits and delivercomplete messaging solutions to joint customers. The announcement again demonstrates the commitment […]

Renewed partnership between SWIFT and Allevo

Allevo uses SWIFT partnership to deliver complete messaging solutions to joint customers   SWIFT and Allevo have signed an ‘Agency Contract’ to develop a relationship that will allow both parties to leverage their areas of expertise, to maximize benefits and deliver complete messaging solutions to joint customers. The announcement demonstrates again the commitment Allevo has […]

Bobsguide Tuesday 15/09/2009

Business Information Systems (BIS) is exhibiting a broad portfolio of products and services, including the qPayIntegrator Suite, available on both IBM and Microsoft technologies, and particularly its new qPI-WR (for workers’ remittances) and qPI-Lite (a STP solution for Alliance Lite users) applications.

Sibos Day 2

Tuesday’s Sibos is over – can’t believe it. This is mid-Sibos. And we’re still alive & up for the days to come.   Tomorrow’s Worker’s Remittances day ( as in there are many sessions scheduled ) at Sibos. Can’t wait to see what people think about it.   After all, SWIFT has launched the platform, […]

Sibos Day 1

Then we returned to find our booth full of people we hadn’t known before – was a very nice surprise as well. I’m not going to make a review of all sessions we’ve seen & of all guests that have passed our door-step – guessing everybody can read a better Sibos Issues next morning focusing […]

e-Finance issue No. 109 – September 2009

e-Finance issue No. 109 – September 2009 Business Information Systems (BIS) the onlyRomanian exhibitor at Sibos 2009 Hong Kong. See attached the specialized magazine’s article covering theevent in general, and our participation in particular. e-Finance issue No. 109 – September

BIS Enables Banks and Corporates to Prepare for SEPA and TARGET 2 with qPayIntegrator

Hong-Kong, September 14, 2009 Business Information Systems (BIS) announcedtoday at Sibos 2009 that qPayIntegrator, its centralizedpayment hub, has received the SWIFTReady SEPA 2009recertification. qPayIntegrator utilizesMicrosoft technology to help cement commitment to industrystandards. In order to achieve the 2009 SWIFTReadyrecertification, BIS, in conjunction with Microsoft, successfullycompleted the qPayIntegratormigration onto Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT, providingSEPA credit […]