
New Year’s Resolutions

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 As it is my first post this year, I cannot start without wishing all our readers a Happy New Year. And as we survived another predicted end of the world :), we can start making plans for the future. 2012 has brought a few milestones in Allevo’s history: the official launch […]

Christmas Party

Just a short post to let you know we had a blast at this year’s Christmas party. Rockin’! More photos on our Facebook page.   By: Ioana Moldovan

Allevo at its 21st User Group

Allevo User Group reached yesterday the age of majority that states its adulthood anywhere around the world 🙂 As on 12.12.12, we gathered for the user group with number 21. Funny how the numbers aligned, isn’t it? Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, […]

Allevo User Group – 21st Edition, Bucharest, December 12, 2012

On 12.12.12 🙂 we gathered for the Allevo’s 21st User Group. Therefore, I would like to thank all our customers who have been by our side all this time, whose collaboration and suggestions helped us improve our products and services over the years. We talked about qPayIntegrator v3 and its implementation status within our customer […]

FinTP in EBRDs Enterprises Growth Programme (EGP)

I told you we take the FinTP project very seriously. And, as it seems, others do too, as October 26th marks the commencement of a technical cooperation project in support of FinTP under the Enterprise Growth Programme (EGP) of the EBRD. Therefore, we are proud to announce that Allevo has become a partner of the […]

The launch of SEPA System for RON payments

Yesterday, November 21st, 2012, Finmedia organized, with the support of the National Bank of Romania and in partnership with the Romanian Banking Association (ARB), TransFonD and Allevo, the official launch of SEPA system for RON payments. All the major players were present in the opening panel: the National Bank – represented by Vice Governor Mr. […]

How it all ads up

LUCKILY, not all sessions at Sibos were about regulation (not to say… boring). A great deal of these were focused on creating affordable financial services for masses, on finding elegant solutions for banking the unbanked, on doing banking as a means of doing good – beautifully paradigmed by Innotribe as Banks for a better world, […]

Missing Sibos already?

A long way to the Land of the Rising Sun, and an even longer way back home. But we are home, catching our breath after a very busy week at Sibos Osaka. Well, not really catching our breath, as we are all quite caught up with the follow-up to the numerous meetings and presentations we […]