
November and BIS turns 12yo

November is the month we add another year to our presence in the financial scenery. Business Information Systems is now 12 years old. We started out as a handful of people, most of them being the founders, in a small Bucharest office. Almost all of them are still with BIS today, having built a valuable […]

Three years experience in exhibiting at Sibos

After having a ten year continuous presence as simple participants at Sibos (minus the one which was last minute cancelled), time has come for us to finally step forward and place ourselves one level higher. Thus for the last three years in a row we’ve joined this exclusive event as exhibitors, focusing more on value […]

User Group 17

Our conference room seemed too small for this Users Group meeting, at its 17th edition. Member-institutions representatives of BIS’ solutions Users Group, of TransFonD and consultants had a rich agenda. Beside the usage report for the period since the previous UG (April-August), financial market’s latest information, we had interesting demos and presentations from our team. […]

Blog fusion – CMMI brought to light

We’ve finally integrated our CMMI dedicated blog with this one. All older posts have been migrated and we’ll continue debating CMMI subjects of interest here. Stay tuned for updates, news and articles! By: Ioana Guiman

Sibos movie

Again, coming back to those who, for different reasons, weren’t able to be at Sibos 2010, we’ve uploaded one of the movies we’ve been playing on repeat in our stand. Enjoy! PS: notice all that lighter tint of blue that marks the transition from BIS as you know it to Allevo? This is only the […]

Retrospection over the Sibos week

After a hectic week in Amsterdam where days were starting much too early in the morning and ending only a few hours away from the following sunrise, we’re finally back in Bucharest, enjoying the cold and dump Dutch weather that was awaiting us here.   This is the third year in a row we’ve showed […]

Efficient reconciliation solution deployed at BCR (Erste Bank Group)

Using Allevo real-time reconciliation solution, BCR reduces costs and increases operational control   For the past 5 years Allevo has successfully developed, implemented and improved in BCR, an important member of ERSTE Bank Group,ReconS, a qPayIntegrator feature designed for matching and providing automated NOSTRO and VOSTRO accounts reconciliation. ReconS embeds a rich set of reporting templates […]

Sibos Day 5

Now we can easily say that’s all, folks, for Sibos 2010. All that remained for us to do for today was gather our stuff and prepare for take off, keeping a bit of time aside for touring Amsterdam’s center, as the past week was way too crowded to be able to include any visiting or […]

SWIFT Session

Mr Sorin Guiman, Business Information Systems’ CEO, has accepted the invitation of joining the panel of a brought to you by SWIFT session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments”, taking place Thursday 28 October, 11:00 – 12:30,Community 1. SWIFT’s Workers’ Remittances service provides banks with the business and technical platform to support cross-border person-to-person […]

Sibos Day 4

Before SWIFT officially closed the doors of Sibos 2010, we had the opportunity of stating our experience in implementing the Workers’ Remittances solution in a main conference session, “Workers’ remittances: Your global platform for person-to-person payments“. Sorin Guiman (our CEO) has accepted the invitation of joining the panel put together by Michael Whyte, Senior Market […]